

Redmine Admin

  • Mitgliedsname: admin
  • E-Mail:
  • Angemeldet am: 11.07.2017
  • Letzte Anmeldung: 12.05.2022


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Zugewiesene Tickets 0 0 0
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Projekt Rollen Angemeldet am
AI-Coaching Developer 24.08.2020



14:41 AI-Coaching Feature #156 (New): View Video
View a video
- add the ability to insert a video in the challenge create task "view"
- add the ability to show a vi...
Redmine Admin
14:39 AI-Coaching Feature #155 (New): View picture
View a picture
- add the ability to insert a picture in the challenge create task "view"
- add the ability to show ...
Redmine Admin
14:37 AI-Coaching Feature #154 (New): View text
View text
- add the ability to insert text in the challenge create task "view"
- add the ability to show text in th...
Redmine Admin
13:58 AI-Coaching Feature #153 (New): add challenge task: view
It is necessary that the users get instructions and lectures that they can view.
Therefore we need two functions:
Redmine Admin
13:37 AI-Coaching Feature #152 (New): Get the ADH repository and make it work fully on all computers of the programmers
Redmine Admin

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